Published May 31, 2010 | Version v1
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Evaluation of the risk of spread of Scaphoideus titanus (ST), the vector of Grapevine Flavescence dorée (FD), with commercial grapevine propagation material (PROPSCAPH)

  • 1. Agroscope (ACW), Wädenswil, Switzerland
  • 2. National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA), Villenave d'Ornon, France
  • 3. University of Primorska Science (UP), Koper, Slovenia
  • 4. Research Council for Agriculture (CRA), Firenze, Italy


Research report of the Euphresco funded project 'Evaluation of the risk of spread of Scaphoideus titanus (ST), the vector of Grapevine Flavescence dorée (FD), with commercial grapevine propagation material' (PROPSCAPH)


Scientific report of the Euphresco funded project 'Evaluation of the risk of spread of Scaphoideus titanus (ST), the vector of Grapevine Flavescence dorée (FD), with commercial grapevine propagation material' (PROPSCAPH)



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