Guide for determination of 12 Agrilus species native in Austria



As part of Euphresco Project "Agrilus" 2020-A-337, the Austrian Research Center for Forest (BFW) has developed this guide based on published keys which provides a practical approach for identifying 12 Agrilus species native to Austria, developed during the determination of specimens collected in oak forest trapping experiments in eastern Austria. 

Intended primarily for internal use, it utilizes a photo-based combination process to streamline identification. Key features include the pronotal groove, prosternal lobe/emargination (pl/epl), prosternal process (pp), intercoxal projection (icp), and ratios involving coxa and metasternal projection (mp). Starting with ventral features (pl/epl + pp + icp) facilitated 70% accurate identification, increasing to 90% with additional morphological checks. While not replacing standard keys, this guide supports efficient determination, recognizing the challenge of inconclusive features in some individuals. Identifications employed a Nikon SMZ800 and SMZ18 microscope with NIS Elements imaging software. Photographic overviews of morphological variations are included to assist users.



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  • Agrilus
  • Quercus


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