Supplement 1-Compendium on the plant health research priorities for the Mediterranean region


The Compendium on the ‘Plant Health Research Priorities for the Mediterranean Region’, published in 2020 to celebrate the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH), was the first joint Euphresco and CIHEAM Bari initiative launched to improve the coordination of research efforts (from research funding to research activities) on plant health and plant protection in the Mediterranean region and to enhance cooperation of stakeholders within the area. The compendium was prepared on the basis of information and views collected from national experts from the Balkan-Mediterranean, Eastern Mediterranean, Maghreb, and Western Mediterranean sub-regions on the important pests, the research priorities, the research infrastructures and the capacity.

This supplement is an update of the Compendium. It contains the experts’ indications of the research needs for the priority pests listed in the compendium and the details on the discussions undertaken in 2021 with representatives of national organisations involved in phytosanitary research. The supplement also provides details on the phytosanitary problems for which the Mediterranean countries share the same interest and which should be addressed in the short-term.


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  • pests (general)


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