Arthcollect 2019-F-323 Interlaboratory Test Performance Study

Text - scientific article/review article


Report of the Test Performance Study (TPS) organised in the framework of the Euphresco project 2019-F-323 ArthCollect. The main aim of the TPS was to compare molecular tests for identifying specimens of the Infraorder Coccomorpha: Coccidae & Pseudococcidae (soft scales and mealybugs). Six laboratories across six different countries took part.


1.    To evaluate the effectiveness of the DNeasy Blood & Tissue kit (QIAGEN) as a DNA extraction method of two species of Coccomorpha (using a non-destructive technique).

2.    To test the effectiveness of three different barcoding primer sets for their usefulness in molecular identification (sequencing) of two species of Coccomorpha.

3.    To determine if the voucher specimens were intact after the extraction process and identifiable morphologically [optional].



Related resouces


  • Arthropoda
  • Chryseococcus arecae
  • Coccidae
  • Philaenus spumarius
  • Pseudococcidae
  • Pseudococcus longispinus
  • Pulvinaria


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