Presentations of the international workshop 'Plant Health Research Priorities for Northern Europe'



On 2024-10-25, the workshop 'Plant Health Research Priorities for Northern Europe' took place online. Organized in the framework of the EUPHRESCO III project, it brought together more than 40 plant health decision makers (national policy makers and research funders) to discuss the outcomes of a survey organized earlier this year.  Continued work following the workshop will allow to identify common research priorities that have been agreed nationally and that will enhance the coordination of phytosanitary research programmes, and will support international collaboration in Plant Health.  

Presentation Giovani: The Plant Health Research Priorities for Northern Europe

Presentation Nouwen: Surveys and Consultations

Presentation Kneebone: EUPHRESCO III survey analysis

Presentation Nouwen:  Moving forward

The pdf file compiles all the presentations made during the workshop except those of the working group discussions, which are not disclosed. A report will be available by the end of 2024.


Horizon Europe - EUPHRESCO III project

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