Ten years of the Euphresco self-sustained network. Scientific work and strategic development for the Russian Federation in an international context

Text - scientific article/review article


Plant health is a key factor in any strategy to achieve food security, protect the environment and biodiversity and facilitate safe trade and is an essential pillar of the bioeconomy. Biological invasions are responsible for substantial biodiversity decline and for high economic losses. It has been calculated that globally, between 10 and 28 percent of crop production is lost to pests (Savary et al., 2019, Turbelin et al., 2023). The total cost of invasions from 1970 until 2017 has been reported to be US$ 1.288 trillion, with a threefold increase of the annual cost per decade (Diagne et al., 2021). The increased market globalisation of recent decades, coupled with climate change, have created extremely favourable conditions for the movement and establishment of
pests, with a concomitant increase of their impact (Deutsch et al., 2018). It is not possible to avoid all the challenges connected to plant health and related with global trade, increasing travel activities and climate change. However, it is possible to optimise strategies to address these challenges with effective coordination and cooperation.


  • pests (general)


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